add missing pin-1 markers

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Haines 2022-10-30 02:50:00 -06:00
parent d8a06580d8
commit 59a332090d
3 changed files with 79 additions and 67 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 6b4337ffd29ee06dd6502de2b746ba4feff708fc
Subproject commit a77d72eb05ffd756b290d9fb13c39c33208fd5a6

View File

@ -96,9 +96,9 @@
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@ -2144,90 +2144,98 @@
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(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "GNDIO") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp a4e70dba-a826-4979-affa-c2fb370cacac))
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(net 35 "/SCL") (pinfunction "SCx") (pintype "input") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 08b7e357-fa01-48a8-b20b-17c51ff4ba6f))
(pad "10" smd rect (at -0.5 -2.05 180) (size 0.25 0.55) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 50 "/INT5") (pinfunction "INT5") (pintype "output") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 99e9958c-2288-446d-8068-d8f7a9b10bd7))
(net 50 "/INT5") (pinfunction "INT5") (pintype "output") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 916ca2f8-0619-4ea7-b45c-39f8a0369a15))
(pad "11" smd rect (at -1.2625 -1.5 180) (size 0.675 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 34 "/SDA") (pinfunction "SDx") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 0e0a7bb1-6990-4e9a-ae6d-cf7ecea47d4a))
(net 34 "/SDA") (pinfunction "SDx") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 27768c5e-64c8-4fec-b906-448c321cb5bc))
(pad "12" smd rect (at -1.2625 -1 180) (size 0.675 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
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(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "SDO2") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 5ae85fe5-e422-4ef6-b387-49140eb9e5a1))
(pad "13" smd rect (at -1.2625 -0.5 180) (size 0.675 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
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(net 44 "VDC_3V3") (pinfunction "VDDIO") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp b9d33149-5c48-46ac-abf8-adc276102ab5))
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(net 53 "/INT3") (pinfunction "INT3") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 1796b0ec-0044-4086-91b9-3cf8ebfc2ae0))
(pad "15" smd rect (at -1.2625 0.5 180) (size 0.675 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
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(net 51 "/INT4") (pinfunction "INT4") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp c2d53988-088f-4902-a1e2-745d67966222))
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(net 61 "unconnected-(U5-CSB1)") (pinfunction "CSB1") (pintype "input+no_connect") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp e4c53d7f-eb33-4e03-8029-a4dce07d300a))
(pad "17" smd rect (at -1.2625 1.5 180) (size 0.675 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
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(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "SDO1") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 46a30a81-39bd-4bc2-afba-ba59c905ab7c))
(pad "18" smd rect (at -0.5 2.05 180) (size 0.25 0.55) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 62 "unconnected-(U5-NC)_1") (pinfunction "NC") (pintype "no_connect") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp af10ac51-cfc8-4351-9130-482030f77961))
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(net 52 "/INT1") (pinfunction "INT1") (pintype "output") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp d68ae761-42b6-445e-b828-2f2856931d4e))
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(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 3.1 4.5 1))
@ -3245,40 +3253,48 @@
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(stroke (width 0.1778) (type default)) (layer "B.SilkS") (tstamp 6d83b02d-ba9d-40d7-8fb2-b543fbbf8b7b))
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(fp_arc (start -0.889 1.27) (mid -1.158408 1.158408) (end -1.27 0.889)
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(stroke (width 0.127) (type default)) (fill none) (layer "B.Fab") (tstamp c2387959-2872-404e-9daa-8caee80fc94f))
(stroke (width 0.127) (type default)) (fill none) (layer "B.Fab") (tstamp 5a81da84-f47b-4e63-aafb-25f3d7984a73))
(pad "1" smd rect (at -0.7625 0.25) (size 0.275 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 44 "VDC_3V3") (pinfunction "VDDIO") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp ad933e96-4d9d-4f4c-aecc-b09f203d3c20))
(net 44 "VDC_3V3") (pinfunction "VDDIO") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 9736fe86-2dfd-48ec-a9ef-5481c1529a3f))
(pad "2" smd rect (at -0.7625 -0.25) (size 0.275 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 35 "/SCL") (pinfunction "SCK") (pintype "input") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 7bfbab8d-d19c-4b41-bac1-abd330414d19))
(net 35 "/SCL") (pinfunction "SCK") (pintype "input") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp cb622d24-4fcb-4b21-be2f-e0842544236d))
(pad "3" smd rect (at -0.5 -0.7625) (size 0.25 0.275) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "VSS") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp f84b486a-785c-4236-b2e8-fbc85d2baac6))
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "VSS") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 1aab388f-ffb3-4698-9f91-d1d296fb5f93))
(pad "4" smd rect (at 0 -0.7625) (size 0.25 0.275) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 34 "/SDA") (pinfunction "SDI") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp dc592fd2-5347-4b1d-bf93-20aa608e7b69))
(net 34 "/SDA") (pinfunction "SDI") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 930b2d1e-2b5e-420d-b2fe-ca1ab8f56ce4))
(pad "5" smd rect (at 0.5 -0.7625) (size 0.25 0.275) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "SDO") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp a0d3b597-e2f9-49bf-baea-f9dbed526813))
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "SDO") (pintype "bidirectional") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp e5fbf2a1-f3cd-4b07-b309-4531510722f2))
(pad "6" smd rect (at 0.7625 -0.25) (size 0.275 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 44 "VDC_3V3") (pinfunction "CSB") (pintype "input") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 1153ae93-d31b-4869-ad19-2514e8f27ba0))
(net 44 "VDC_3V3") (pinfunction "CSB") (pintype "input") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 97e8d9f9-ce31-48a5-9e08-e2800dc33380))
(pad "7" smd rect (at 0.7625 0.25) (size 0.275 0.25) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 56 "/INT_BARO") (pinfunction "INT") (pintype "output") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp f49ef8b3-0872-4083-a038-42b95da1d222))
(net 56 "/INT_BARO") (pinfunction "INT") (pintype "output") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 9ec6e48d-c22c-493b-913f-8fc0a1b9bf2b))
(pad "8" smd rect (at 0.5 0.7625) (size 0.25 0.275) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "VSS") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 5cc0a7d1-dc09-4896-b420-a04786d20722))
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "VSS") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 5fd89376-b09d-4d4d-b15a-9dfb2ce3d9e0))
(pad "9" smd rect (at 0 0.7625) (size 0.25 0.275) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "VSS") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 76a1e9ff-ce86-46f3-9529-d0d98967caf1))
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "VSS") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp e94b873e-f3a8-4a8b-a032-58863dde60b0))
(pad "10" smd rect (at -0.5 0.7625) (size 0.25 0.275) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 44 "VDC_3V3") (pinfunction "VDD") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 32401db7-fefe-4258-923b-32ecb40f12ba))
(net 44 "VDC_3V3") (pinfunction "VDD") (pintype "power_in") (thermal_bridge_angle 45) (tstamp 346ac221-ff7b-4e1d-b250-a4b479a7bba9))
(model "step/BMP388.step"
(offset (xyz 1 1 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
@ -4127,7 +4143,7 @@
(dimension (type aligned) (layer "Dwgs.User") (tstamp ea29fff3-7229-4cf8-9c2e-4bf0106af784)
(pts (xy 114.3 67.564) (xy 114.3 118.364))
(height 2.54)
(gr_text "2.0000 in" (at 110.61 92.964 90) (layer "Dwgs.User") (tstamp ea29fff3-7229-4cf8-9c2e-4bf0106af784)
(gr_text "50.8000 mm" (at 110.61 92.964 90) (layer "Dwgs.User") (tstamp ea29fff3-7229-4cf8-9c2e-4bf0106af784)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(format (units 3) (units_format 1) (precision 4))
@ -4136,7 +4152,7 @@
(dimension (type aligned) (layer "Dwgs.User") (tstamp faf430b7-a232-4b79-8fbd-9f4498a4c446)
(pts (xy 114.3 67.564) (xy 139.7 67.564))
(height -2.794)
(gr_text "1.0000 in" (at 127 63.62) (layer "Dwgs.User") (tstamp faf430b7-a232-4b79-8fbd-9f4498a4c446)
(gr_text "25.4000 mm" (at 127 63.62) (layer "Dwgs.User") (tstamp faf430b7-a232-4b79-8fbd-9f4498a4c446)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(format (units 3) (units_format 1) (precision 4))

View File

@ -201,11 +201,7 @@
"equivalence_files": []
"erc": {
"erc_exclusions": [
"erc_exclusions": [],
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