mirror of
synced 2024-11-09 21:14:57 -07:00
457 lines
15 KiB
457 lines
15 KiB
module core(
input clk,
input reset,
output reg [31:0] mem_inst_addr,
input [31:0] mem_inst_data,
// output reg [31:0] mem_data_addr,
// output reg [31:0] mem_data_wdata,
// input [31:0] mem_data_rdata,
// output reg mem_data_en,
// output reg mem_data_we,
// input mem_data_valid,
// input mem_data_done
// // instruction memory
// output axi_inst_ACLK,
// output axi_inst_ARESETn,
// output axi_inst_AWVALID,
// output axi_inst_AWADDR,
// output [2:0] axi_inst_AWPROT,
// input axi_inst_AWREADY,
// output axi_inst_WVALID,
// output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axi_inst_WDATA,
// output [(DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] axi_inst_WSTRB,
// input axi_inst_WREADY,
// input axi_inst_BVALID,
// output axi_inst_BREADY,
// input [1:0] axi_inst_BRESP,
// output axi_inst_ARVALID,
// output axi_inst_ARADDR,
// output [2:0] axi_inst_ARPROT,
// input axi_inst_ARREADY,
// input axi_inst_RVALID,
// input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axi_inst_RDATA,
// input [1:0] axi_inst_RRESP,
// output axi_inst_RREADY,
// data memory
// output axi_data_ACLK,
// output axi_data_ARESETn,
// output axi_data_AWVALID,
// output axi_data_AWADDR,
// output [2:0] axi_data_AWPROT,
// input axi_data_AWREADY,
// output axi_data_WVALID,
// output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axi_data_WDATA,
// output [(DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] axi_data_WSTRB,
// input axi_data_WREADY,
// input axi_data_BVALID,
// output axi_data_BREADY,
// input [1:0] axi_data_BRESP,
// output axi_data_ARVALID,
// output axi_data_ARADDR,
// output [2:0] axi_data_ARPROT,
// input axi_data_ARREADY,
// input axi_data_RVALID,
// input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axi_data_RDATA,
// input [1:0] axi_data_RRESP,
// output axi_data_RREADY,
output dummy_out
// Register File
reg [31:0] regfile [0:31];
initial begin : init_regfile
integer i;
for (i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin
regfile[i] = 32'h00000000;
// Registers
reg [31:0] r_if_pc = 0, r_id_pc, r_ex_pc, r_mem_pc, r_wb_pc;
reg r_id_stall, r_ex_stall, r_mem_stall, r_wb_stall;
reg [31:0] r_id_inst, r_ex_inst, r_mem_inst, r_wb_inst;
reg [4:0] r_ex_rd, r_mem_rd, r_wb_rd;
reg r_ex_alu_seed;
reg [3:0] r_ex_aluop;
reg [31:0] r_ex_s1, r_ex_s2, r_mem_s1, r_mem_s2;
reg [31:0] r_mem_alu_out, r_wb_alu_out;
reg r_mem_alu_zero;
reg r_ex_jump;
reg r_ex_store, r_mem_store;
reg r_ex_load, r_mem_load;
// IF
reg s_if_halt;
reg [31:0] s_if_next_pc;
reg [31:0] s_if_inst;
reg s_if_stall;
always @(*) begin
s_if_halt = 0;
if (r_ex_jump) begin
s_if_next_pc = s_ex_alu_out;
s_if_stall = 1'b1;
end else begin
s_if_next_pc = r_if_pc + 4;
s_if_stall = 1'b0;
mem_inst_addr = r_if_pc;
s_if_inst = mem_inst_data;
// ID
reg s_id_halt;
reg [6:0] s_id_opcode;
reg [2:0] s_id_funct3;
reg [6:0] s_id_funct7;
reg [4:0] s_id_rd, s_id_rs1, s_id_rs2;
reg [31:0] s_id_immed_itype, s_id_immed_stype, s_id_immed_utype, s_id_immed_btype, s_id_immed_jtype;
reg [31:0] s_id_s1, s_id_s2;
reg [3:0] s_id_aluop;
reg s_id_alu_seed;
reg s_id_invalid;
reg s_id_jump, s_id_branch;
reg s_id_store, s_id_load;
// RV32I / RV64I / RV32M
localparam OP_LUI = 7'b0110111,
OP_AUIPC = 7'b0010111,
OP_JAL = 7'b1101111,
OP_JALR = 7'b1100111,
OP_BRANCH = 7'b1100011,
OP_LOAD = 7'b0000011,
OP_STORE = 7'b0100011,
OP_IMM = 7'b0010011,
OP_ALU = 7'b0110011,
OP_FENCE = 7'b0001111,
OP_SYSTEM = 7'b1110011;
// RV64M
// localparam OP_???????? = 7'b0111011;
// RV32A / RV64A
// localparam OP_ATOMIC = 7'b0101111;
// TODO: add opcodes for other extensions
localparam ALUOP_ADD = 4'b0000,
ALUOP_SUB = 4'b0001,
ALUOP_XOR = 4'b0010,
ALUOP_OR = 4'b0011,
ALUOP_AND = 4'b0100,
ALUOP_SL = 4'b0101,
ALUOP_SRL = 4'b0110,
ALUOP_SRA = 4'b0111,
ALUOP_SLT = 4'b1000,
ALUOP_SLTU = 4'b1001;
always @(*) begin
s_id_halt = 0;
s_id_invalid = 0;
s_id_store = 0;
s_id_load = 0;
s_id_opcode = r_id_inst[6:0];
s_id_rd = r_id_inst[11:7];
s_id_rs1 = r_id_inst[19:15];
s_id_rs2 = r_id_inst[24:20];
s_id_funct3 = r_id_inst[14:12];
s_id_funct7 = r_id_inst[31:25];
s_id_immed_itype = {{20{r_id_inst[31]}}, r_id_inst[31:20]};
s_id_immed_stype = {{20{r_id_inst[31]}}, r_id_inst[31:25], r_id_inst[11:7]};
s_id_immed_utype = {r_id_inst[31:12], 12'b0};
s_id_immed_btype = {{19{r_id_inst[31]}}, r_id_inst[31], r_id_inst[7], r_id_inst[30:25], r_id_inst[11:8], 1'b0};
s_id_immed_jtype = {{11{r_id_inst[31]}}, r_id_inst[31], r_id_inst[19:12], r_id_inst[20], r_id_inst[30:21], 1'b0};
case (s_id_opcode)
OP_LUI: begin // LUI
s_id_s1 = 32'h00000000;
s_id_s2 = s_id_immed_utype;
s_id_aluop = ALUOP_ADD;
s_id_jump = 0;
s_id_branch = 0;
OP_AUIPC: begin // AUIPC
s_id_s1 = r_id_pc;
s_id_s2 = s_id_immed_utype;
s_id_aluop = ALUOP_ADD;
s_id_jump = 0;
s_id_branch = 0;
OP_JAL: begin // JAL
s_id_s1 = r_id_pc;
s_id_s2 = s_id_immed_jtype;
s_id_aluop = ALUOP_ADD;
s_id_jump = 1;
s_id_branch = 0;
OP_JALR: begin // JALR
s_id_s1 = regfile[s_id_rs1];
s_id_s2 = s_id_immed_itype;
s_id_aluop = ALUOP_ADD;
s_id_jump = 1;
s_id_branch = 0;
// OP_BRANCH: begin
// end
// OP_LOAD: begin
// end
// OP_STORE: begin
// end
OP_IMM: begin
s_id_s1 = regfile[s_id_rs1];
s_id_s2 = s_id_immed_itype;
s_id_jump = 0;
s_id_branch = 0;
casex ({s_id_funct3, s_id_funct7})
10'b000xxxxxxx: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_ADD; // ADDI
10'b010xxxxxxx: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SLT; // SLTI
10'b011xxxxxxx: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SLTU; // SLTIU
10'b100xxxxxxx: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_XOR; // XORI
10'b110xxxxxxx: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_OR; // ORI
10'b111xxxxxxx: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_AND; // ANDI
10'b001000000x: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SL; // SLLI // NOTE: technically s_id_funct7[0] must be 0 however GCC allows shifts of up to 63b despite assembling for 32b. I can tolerate this deviation from ISA spec at essentially no cost
10'b101000000x: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SRL; // SRLI // NOTE: technically s_id_funct7[0] must be 0 however GCC allows shifts of up to 63b despite assembling for 32b. I can tolerate this deviation from ISA spec at essentially no cost
10'b101010000x: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SRA; // SRAI // NOTE: technically s_id_funct7[0] must be 0 however GCC allows shifts of up to 63b despite assembling for 32b. I can tolerate this deviation from ISA spec at essentially no cost
default: begin
s_id_s1 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
s_id_s2 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
s_id_invalid = 1;
OP_ALU: begin
s_id_s1 = regfile[s_id_rs1];
s_id_s2 = regfile[s_id_rs2];
s_id_jump = 0;
s_id_branch = 0;
case ({s_id_funct3, s_id_funct7})
10'b0000000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_ADD; // ADD
10'b0000100000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SUB; // SUB
10'b0010000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SL; // SLL
10'b0100000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SLT; // SLT
10'b0110000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SLTU; // SLTU
10'b1000000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_XOR; // XOR
10'b1100000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_OR; // OR
10'b1110000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_AND; // AND
10'b1010000000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SRL; // SRL
10'b1010100000: s_id_aluop = ALUOP_SRA; // SRA
default: begin
s_id_s1 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
s_id_s2 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
s_id_invalid = 1;
// OP_FENCE: begin
// end
// OP_SYSTEM: begin
// end
default: begin
s_id_jump = 0;
s_id_branch = 0;
s_id_s1 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
s_id_s2 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
s_id_invalid = 1;
if (s_id_invalid) begin
$display("%0t:\tInvalid instruction at PC=0x%h", $time, r_id_pc);
s_id_halt = 1'b1;
s_id_aluop = 3'hx;
s_id_alu_seed = 1'bx;
// EX
reg s_ex_halt;
reg [31:0] s_ex_data1, s_ex_data2;
reg [31:0] s_ex_alu_out;
reg s_ex_alu_zero;
reg [31:0] s_ex_ra;
always @(*) begin
s_ex_halt = 0;
// NOTE: s_ex_data* exist for adding data paths bypassing regfile in the future
s_ex_data1 = r_ex_s1;
s_ex_data2 = r_ex_s2;
case (r_ex_aluop)
ALUOP_ADD: begin
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 + s_ex_data2;
ALUOP_SUB: begin
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 - s_ex_data2;
ALUOP_XOR: begin
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 ^ s_ex_data2;
ALUOP_OR: begin
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 | s_ex_data2;
ALUOP_AND: begin
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 & s_ex_data2;
ALUOP_SL: begin
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 << s_ex_data2[4:0];
ALUOP_SRL: begin
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 >> s_ex_data2[4:0];
ALUOP_SRA: begin
s_ex_alu_out = $signed(s_ex_data1) >>> s_ex_data2[4:0];
ALUOP_SLT: begin
s_ex_alu_out = $signed(s_ex_data1) < $signed(s_ex_data2);
s_ex_alu_out = s_ex_data1 < s_ex_data2;
default: begin
s_ex_halt = 1;
s_ex_alu_out = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
s_ex_alu_zero = (s_ex_alu_out == 0);
s_ex_ra = r_ex_pc + 4;
// MEM
reg s_mem_halt;
reg s_mem_bp;
always @(*) begin
s_mem_halt = 0;
s_mem_bp = 0;
// if (r_mem_store) begin
// mem_data_en = 1;
// mem_data_we = 1;
// s_mem_bp = !mem_data_done;
// end else if (r_mem_load) begin
// mem_data_en = 1;
// mem_data_we = 0;
// s_mem_bp = !mem_data_valid;
// end else begin
// mem_data_en = 0;
// mem_data_we = 0;
// s_mem_bp = 0;
// end
// WB
reg s_wb_halt;
reg [31:0] s_wb_data;
reg s_wb_write;
always @(*) begin
s_wb_halt = 0;
// load instructions do not use output of alu in wb
s_wb_data = r_wb_alu_out;
// FIXME: always writes!!!
s_wb_write = !r_wb_stall;
// SYS
reg s_sys_halt;
always @(*) begin
s_sys_halt = s_if_halt || s_id_halt || s_ex_halt || s_mem_halt || s_wb_halt;
// Register update
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
r_if_pc <= 32'h00000000;
// rather than resetting all flip-flops just stall the pipeline so values are ignored.
r_id_stall <= 1;
r_ex_stall <= 1;
r_mem_stall <= 1;
r_wb_stall <= 1;
end else begin
// NOTE: halt disabled because startup causes hault
// if (s_sys_halt && 0) begin
// // stay halted forever
// end else begin
// IF
// if (!s_mem_bp) begin
r_if_pc <= s_if_next_pc;
// end
// ID
// if (!s_mem_bp) begin
r_id_stall <= s_if_stall;
r_id_pc <= r_if_pc;
r_id_inst <= s_if_inst;
// end
// EX
// if (!s_mem_bp) begin
// TODO: also stall EX if taking branch
r_ex_stall <= r_id_stall;
r_ex_pc <= r_id_pc;
r_ex_inst <= r_id_inst;
r_ex_rd <= s_id_rd;
r_ex_s1 <= s_id_s1;
r_ex_s2 <= s_id_s2;
r_ex_aluop <= s_id_aluop;
r_ex_alu_seed <= s_id_alu_seed;
r_ex_jump <= s_id_jump;
r_ex_store <= s_id_store;
r_ex_load <= s_id_load;
// end
// MEM
// if (!s_mem_bp) begin
r_mem_stall <= r_ex_stall;
r_mem_pc <= r_ex_pc;
r_mem_inst <= r_ex_inst;
r_mem_rd <= r_ex_rd;
r_mem_s1 <= r_ex_s1;
r_mem_s2 <= r_ex_s2;
r_mem_alu_out <= s_ex_alu_out;
r_mem_alu_zero <= s_ex_alu_zero;
r_mem_store <= r_ex_store;
r_mem_load <= r_ex_load;
// end
// WB
// if (!s_mem_bp) begin
r_wb_stall <= r_mem_stall;
r_wb_pc <= r_mem_pc;
r_wb_rd <= r_mem_rd;
r_wb_alu_out <= r_mem_alu_out;
// end
// Register File
if (r_wb_rd != 0 && s_wb_write) begin
regfile[r_wb_rd] <= s_wb_data;
// end
assign dummy_out = s_wb_data[0];
endmodule |