2020-02-04 17:33:02 -07:00

300 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import re
import os
from bomlib.columns import ColumnList
# Check python version to determine which version of ConfirParser to import
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
import configparser as ConfigParser
import ConfigParser
class BomPref:
OPT_PCB_CONFIG = "pcb_configuration"
OPT_NUMBER_ROWS = "number_rows"
OPT_GROUP_CONN = "group_connectors"
OPT_USE_REGEX = "test_regex"
OPT_USE_ALT = "use_alt"
OPT_ALT_WRAP = "alt_wrap"
OPT_MERGE_BLANK = "merge_blank_fields"
OPT_IGNORE_DNF = "ignore_dnf"
OPT_BACKUP = "make_backup"
OPT_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = "output_file_name"
OPT_VARIANT_FILE_NAME_FORMAT = "variant_file_name_format"
OPT_DEFAULT_BOARDS = "number_boards"
OPT_DEFAULT_PCBCONFIG = "board_variant"
OPT_CONFIG_FIELD = "fit_field"
OPT_HIDE_HEADERS = "hide_headers"
OPT_HIDE_PCB_INFO = "hide_pcb_info"
def __init__(self):
# List of headings to ignore in BoM generation
self.ignore = [
self.corder = ColumnList._COLUMNS_DEFAULT
self.useAlt = False # Use alternate reference representation
self.altWrap = None # Wrap to n items when using alt representation
self.ignoreDNF = True # Ignore rows for do-not-fit parts
self.numberRows = True # Add row-numbers to BoM output
self.groupConnectors = True # Group connectors and ignore component value
self.useRegex = True # Test various columns with regex
self.boards = 1 # Quantity of boards to be made
self.mergeBlankFields = True # Blanks fields will be merged when possible
self.hideHeaders = False
self.hidePcbInfo = False
self.verbose = False # By default, is not verbose
self.configField = "Config" # Default field used for part fitting config
self.pcbConfig = ["default"]
self.backup = "%O.tmp"
self.separatorCSV = None
self.outputFileName = "%O_bom_%v%V"
self.variantFileNameFormat = "_(%V)"
self.xlsxwriter_available = False
self.xlsxwriter2_available = False
# Default fields used to group components
self.groups = [
# User can add custom grouping columns in bom.ini
self.regIncludes = [] # None by default
self.regExcludes = [
[ColumnList.COL_REFERENCE, '^TP[0-9]*'],
[ColumnList.COL_REFERENCE, '^FID'],
[ColumnList.COL_PART, 'mount.*hole'],
[ColumnList.COL_PART, 'solder.*bridge'],
[ColumnList.COL_PART, 'test.*point'],
[ColumnList.COL_FP, 'test.*point'],
[ColumnList.COL_FP, 'mount.*hole'],
[ColumnList.COL_FP, 'fiducial'],
# Default component groupings
self.aliases = [
["c", "c_small", "cap", "capacitor"],
["r", "r_small", "res", "resistor"],
["sw", "switch"],
["l", "l_small", "inductor"],
["zener", "zenersmall"],
["d", "diode", "d_small"]
# Check an option within the SECTION_GENERAL group
def checkOption(self, parser, opt, default=False):
if parser.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, opt):
return parser.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, opt).lower() in ["1", "true", "yes"]
return default
def checkInt(self, parser, opt, default=False):
if parser.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, opt):
return int(parser.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, opt).lower())
return default
# Read KiBOM preferences from file
def Read(self, file, verbose=False):
file = os.path.abspath(file)
if not os.path.exists(file) or not os.path.isfile(file):
print("{f} is not a valid file!".format(f=file))
cf = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
cf.optionxform = str
# Read general options
if self.SECTION_GENERAL in cf.sections():
self.ignoreDNF = self.checkOption(cf, self.OPT_IGNORE_DNF, default=True)
self.useAlt = self.checkOption(cf, self.OPT_USE_ALT, default=False)
self.altWrap = self.checkInt(cf, self.OPT_ALT_WRAP, default=None)
self.numberRows = self.checkOption(cf, self.OPT_NUMBER_ROWS, default=True)
self.groupConnectors = self.checkOption(cf, self.OPT_GROUP_CONN, default=True)
self.useRegex = self.checkOption(cf, self.OPT_USE_REGEX, default=True)
self.mergeBlankFields = self.checkOption(cf, self.OPT_MERGE_BLANK, default=True)
self.outputFileName = cf.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME)
self.variantFileNameFormat = cf.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_VARIANT_FILE_NAME_FORMAT)
if cf.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_CONFIG_FIELD):
self.configField = cf.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_CONFIG_FIELD)
if cf.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_DEFAULT_BOARDS):
self.boards = self.checkInt(cf, self.OPT_DEFAULT_BOARDS, default=None)
if cf.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_DEFAULT_PCBCONFIG):
self.pcbConfig = cf.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_DEFAULT_PCBCONFIG).strip().split(",")
if cf.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_BACKUP):
self.backup = cf.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_BACKUP)
self.backup = False
if cf.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_HIDE_HEADERS):
self.hideHeaders = cf.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_HIDE_HEADERS) == '1'
if cf.has_option(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_HIDE_PCB_INFO):
self.hidePcbInfo = cf.get(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_HIDE_PCB_INFO) == '1'
# Read out grouping colums
if self.SECTION_GROUPING_FIELDS in cf.sections():
self.groups = [i for i in cf.options(self.SECTION_GROUPING_FIELDS)]
# Read out ignored-rows
if self.SECTION_IGNORE in cf.sections():
self.ignore = [i for i in cf.options(self.SECTION_IGNORE)]
# Read out column order
if self.SECTION_COLUMN_ORDER in cf.sections():
self.corder = [i for i in cf.options(self.SECTION_COLUMN_ORDER)]
# Read out component aliases
if self.SECTION_ALIASES in cf.sections():
self.aliases = [re.split('[ \t]+', a) for a in cf.options(self.SECTION_ALIASES)]
if self.SECTION_REGEXCLUDES in cf.sections():
self.regExcludes = []
for pair in cf.options(self.SECTION_REGEXCLUDES):
if len(re.split('[ \t]+', pair)) == 2:
self.regExcludes.append(re.split('[ \t]+', pair))
if self.SECTION_REGINCLUDES in cf.sections():
self.regIncludes = []
for pair in cf.options(self.SECTION_REGINCLUDES):
if len(re.split('[ \t]+', pair)) == 2:
self.regIncludes.append(re.split('[ \t]+', pair))
# Add an option to the SECTION_GENRAL group
def addOption(self, parser, opt, value, comment=None):
if comment:
if not comment.startswith(";"):
comment = "; " + comment
parser.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, comment)
parser.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, opt, "1" if value else "0")
# Write KiBOM preferences to file
def Write(self, file):
file = os.path.abspath(file)
cf = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
cf.optionxform = str
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, "; General BoM options here")
self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_IGNORE_DNF, self.ignoreDNF, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to 1, rows that are not to be fitted on the PCB will not be written to the BoM file".format(opt=self.OPT_IGNORE_DNF))
self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_USE_ALT, self.useAlt, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to 1, grouped references will be printed in the alternate compressed style eg: R1-R7,R18".format(opt=self.OPT_USE_ALT))
self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_ALT_WRAP, self.altWrap, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to and integer N, the references field will wrap after N entries are printed".format(opt=self.OPT_ALT_WRAP))
self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_NUMBER_ROWS, self.numberRows, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to 1, each row in the BoM will be prepended with an incrementing row number".format(opt=self.OPT_NUMBER_ROWS))
self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_GROUP_CONN, self.groupConnectors, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to 1, connectors with the same footprints will be grouped together, independent of the name of the connector".format(opt=self.OPT_GROUP_CONN))
self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_USE_REGEX, self.useRegex, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to 1, each component group will be tested against a number of regular-expressions (specified, per column, below). If any matches are found, the row is ignored in the output file".format(opt=self.OPT_USE_REGEX))
self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_MERGE_BLANK, self.mergeBlankFields, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to 1, component groups with blank fields will be merged into the most compatible group, where possible".format(opt=self.OPT_MERGE_BLANK))
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, "; Specify output file name format, %O is the defined output name, %v is the version, %V is the variant name which will be ammended according to 'variant_file_name_format'.")
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, self.outputFileName)
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, "; Specify the variant file name format, this is a unique field as the variant is not always used/specified. When it is unused you will want to strip all of this.")
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_VARIANT_FILE_NAME_FORMAT, self.variantFileNameFormat)
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, '; Field name used to determine if a particular part is to be fitted')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_CONFIG_FIELD, self.configField)
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, '; Make a backup of the bom before generating the new one, using the following template')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_BACKUP, self.backup)
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, '; Default number of boards to produce if none given on CLI with -n')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_DEFAULT_BOARDS, self.boards)
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, '; Default PCB variant if none given on CLI with -r')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_DEFAULT_PCBCONFIG, self.pcbConfig)
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, '; Whether to hide headers from output file')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_HIDE_HEADERS, self.hideHeaders)
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, '; Whether to hide PCB info from output file')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GENERAL, self.OPT_HIDE_PCB_INFO, self.hidePcbInfo)
cf.set(self.SECTION_IGNORE, "; Any column heading that appears here will be excluded from the Generated BoM")
cf.set(self.SECTION_IGNORE, "; Titles are case-insensitive")
for i in self.ignore:
cf.set(self.SECTION_IGNORE, i)
cf.set(self.SECTION_COLUMN_ORDER, "; Columns will apear in the order they are listed here")
cf.set(self.SECTION_COLUMN_ORDER, "; Titles are case-insensitive")
for i in self.corder:
cf.set(self.SECTION_COLUMN_ORDER, i)
# Write the component grouping fields
cf.set(self.SECTION_GROUPING_FIELDS, '; List of fields used for sorting individual components into groups')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GROUPING_FIELDS, '; Components which match (comparing *all* fields) will be grouped together')
cf.set(self.SECTION_GROUPING_FIELDS, '; Field names are case-insensitive')
for i in self.groups:
cf.set(self.SECTION_ALIASES, "; A series of values which are considered to be equivalent for the part name")
cf.set(self.SECTION_ALIASES, "; Each line represents a list of equivalent component name values separated by white space")
cf.set(self.SECTION_ALIASES, "; e.g. 'c c_small cap' will ensure the equivalent capacitor symbols can be grouped together")
cf.set(self.SECTION_ALIASES, '; Aliases are case-insensitive')
for a in self.aliases:
cf.set(self.SECTION_ALIASES, "\t".join(a))
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGINCLUDES, '; A series of regular expressions used to include parts in the BoM')
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGINCLUDES, '; If there are any regex defined here, only components that match against ANY of them will be included in the BOM')
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGINCLUDES, '; Column names are case-insensitive')
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGINCLUDES, '; Format is: "[ColumName] [Regex]" (white-space separated)')
for i in self.regIncludes:
if not len(i) == 2:
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGINCLUDES, i[0] + "\t" + i[1])
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGEXCLUDES, '; A series of regular expressions used to exclude parts from the BoM')
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGEXCLUDES, '; If a component matches ANY of these, it will be excluded from the BoM')
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGEXCLUDES, '; Column names are case-insensitive')
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGEXCLUDES, '; Format is: "[ColumName] [Regex]" (white-space separated)')
for i in self.regExcludes:
if not len(i) == 2:
cf.set(self.SECTION_REGEXCLUDES, i[0] + "\t" + i[1])
with open(file, 'wb') as configfile: