Version 4 SymbolType BLOCK RECTANGLE Normal 144 80 -144 -208 TEXT 0 -64 Center 2 LT WINDOW 3 0 -22 Center 2 WINDOW 0 0 -95 Bottom 2 SYMATTR Value LTC1726-5 SYMATTR Prefix X SYMATTR SpiceModel LTC1726-5.sub SYMATTR Description Triple Supply Monitor uP Supervisor with Adjustable Reset and Watchdog Timer SYMATTR Value2 LTC1726-5 PIN 0 -208 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName VCC3 PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN -96 -208 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName VCC5 PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN 96 -208 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName VCCA PINATTR SpiceOrder 3 PIN 0 80 BOTTOM 8 PINATTR PinName GND PINATTR SpiceOrder 4 PIN 144 32 RIGHT 8 PINATTR PinName WDI PINATTR SpiceOrder 5 PIN 144 -96 RIGHT 8 PINATTR PinName _RST PINATTR SpiceOrder 6 PIN -144 32 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName WT PINATTR SpiceOrder 7 PIN -144 -96 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName RT PINATTR SpiceOrder 8