* SN74AHCT1G125 ***************************************************************************** * (C) Copyright 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** ** This model is designed as an aid for customers of Texas Instruments. ** TI and its licensors and suppliers make no warranties, either expressed ** or implied, with respect to this model, including the warranties of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The model is ** provided solely on an "as is" basis. The entire risk as to its quality ** and performance is with the customer. ***************************************************************************** * ** Released by: WEBENCH(R) Design Center, Texas Instruments Inc. * Part: SN74AHCT1G125 * Date: 11/21/2014 * Model Type: Transient * Simulator: Pspice * Simulator Version: Pspice 16.2.0.s003 * EVM Order Number: N/A * EVM Users Guide: N/A * Datasheet: SCLS378L, 24 June 2005 * * Model Version: 1.0 * ***************************************************************************** * * Updates: * * Version 1.0 : New model * ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************ *$ .SUBCKT SN74AHCT1G125 OE A GND Y VCC R_RA A 0 50e06 TC=0,0 C_CA A 0 4e-12 TC=0,0 R_ROE OE 0 50e06 TC=0,0 C_COE OE 0 4e-12 TC=0,0 X_U1 OE A GND Y_INT1 VCC SN74AHCT1G125_BUF R_Rpu VCC OE 50e06 TC=0,0 X_S1 OE N07928 Y Y_INT1 SN74AHCT1G125_S1 V_V1 N07928 GND 0.8Vdc C_CO Y 0 10p TC=0,0 .ENDS *$ *** .subckt SN74AHCT1G125_S1 1 2 3 4 S_S1 3 4 1 2 _S1 RS_S1 1 2 1G .MODEL _S1 VSWITCH Roff=20e6 Ron=1.0 Voff=1.2V Von=0.0V .ends SN74AHCT1G125_S1 *$ *** .SUBCKT SN74AHCT1G125_BUF OE A GND Y VCC ETHRESH THRESH GND VALUE={0.5*V(VCC)} RCC VCC GND 5e06 EO NO GND VALUE = {IF(V(A) > V(THRESH) & V(OE) < V(THRESH),V(VCC,GND), V(GND))} RO NO Y 39 .ENDS *$