import time import zipfile from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import Literal, Optional, Union import numpy as np import regex as re from selenium import webdriver from import By from fp_generator import INCH, Footprint dir_ = Path(__file__).parent PARTS = [ # JST-SH, Right angle *[f"SM{i:02d}B-SRSS-TB" for i in range(2, 16)], # JST-SH, Vertical # *[f"BM{i:02d}B-SRSS-TB" for i in range(2, 16)], ] def round2grid(val: float, direction: Optional[Literal["up", "down"]] = None, grid: float = 0.005 * INCH): if direction == "up": val = val + grid / 2 elif direction == "down": val = val - grid / 2 return np.round(val / grid) * grid def download_step(part: Union[str, int], headless: bool = True) -> None: print(part) with TemporaryDirectory(prefix=str(dir_ / "tmp") + "/") as tmp: tmp = Path(tmp) chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_experimental_option( "prefs", {"download.default_directory": str(tmp)}, ) if headless: chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") with webdriver.Chrome( options=chrome_options, ) as browser: browser.get( f"{part.upper()}.zip" ) browser.implicitly_wait(10) browser.find_element(by=By.ID, value="company").send_keys("N/A") browser.find_element(by=By.ID, value="section").send_keys("N/A") browser.find_element(by=By.ID, value="name").send_keys("Brendan Haines") browser.find_element(by=By.ID, value="address").send_keys("7415 Spy Glass Ct") browser.find_element(by=By.ID, value="tel").send_keys("(505) 738-6174") browser.find_element(by=By.ID, value="email").send_keys("") # browser.find_element(by=By.ID, value="url").send_keys("") browser.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value="//input[@type='button' and @value='I agree']").click() # wait for download to finish while len(list((Path(tmp).glob("*.zip")))) == 0: time.sleep(0.1) # print(list((Path(tmp).glob("*.zip")))) # unzip with zipfile.ZipFile(tmp / f"{part.upper()}.zip") as zip: zip.extractall(path=tmp) # move (Path(tmp) / f"{part.upper()}.STEP").rename(dir_ / "jst.pretty" / "step" / f"{part.upper()}.stp") def footprint(part: str, lib: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None): print(part) if lib is None: lib = dir_ / "jst.pretty" lib = Path(lib) if part.startswith("SM"): # Right angle match = re.match(r"SM(\d\d)B-SRSS-TB", part) pins = int(match[1]) fp = Footprint(part, lib=lib, description=f"connector, JST-SH, 1x{pins:02f}, RA") fp.add_text("reference", "REF**", (5.55 + (0.025 + 0.005) * INCH), 0, rotation=90, layer="F.SilkS") fp.add_text("value", "VAL**", 4 * 0.025 * INCH, 0, rotation=90, layer="F.Fab") fp.add_text("user", r"${REFERENCE}**", 2 * 0.025 * INCH, 0, rotation=90, layer="F.Fab") a, b = { 2: (1, 4), 3: (2, 5), 4: (3, 6), 5: (4, 7), 6: (5, 8), 7: (6, 9), 8: (7, 10), 9: (8, 11), 10: (9, 12), 11: (10, 13), 12: (11, 14), 13: (12, 15), 14: (13, 16), 15: (14, 17), 20: (19, 22), }[pins] # fp.add_line((0.05 * INCH, -0.05 * INCH), (0.05 * INCH, 0.05 * INCH), layer="F.SilkS") for pad in range(pins): fp.add_pad( pad + 1, 4 + (5.55 - 4) / 2, -1.0 * (pins - 1) / 2 + 1.0 * pad, size=(5.55 - 4, 0.6), shape="rect", ) # mechanical holes for s in [1, -1]: fp.add_pad(0, 1.8 / 2, s * (1.0 * (pins - 1) / 2 + 0.7 + 1.2 / 2), size=(1.8, 1.2), shape="rect") fp.add_model( lib / "step" / f"{part}.stp", (4, 0, -0.3), rotate=(-90, 0, 90), ) fp.add_rect((0.2, -b / 2), (0.2 + 4.25, b / 2), layer="F.Fab") for s in [1, -1]: fp.add_line( (0.190 * INCH, s * round2grid((a + 0.6) / 2 + 0.010 * INCH, "up")), (0.190 * INCH, s * round2grid(b / 2 + 0.010 * INCH, "up")), layer="F.SilkS", ) fp.add_line( (0.190 * INCH, s * round2grid(b / 2 + 0.010 * INCH, "up")), (round2grid(1.8 + 0.010 * INCH), s * round2grid(b / 2 + 0.010 * INCH, "up")), layer="F.SilkS", ) fp.write() else: raise NotImplementedError if __name__ == "__main__": from multiprocessing import Pool pool = Pool(10) #, PARTS) for part in PARTS: footprint(part) pool.close()