Version 4 SymbolType CELL RECTANGLE Normal -144 -128 144 144 TEXT 0 0 Center 2 LT WINDOW 0 0 -80 Center 2 WINDOW 3 0 80 Center 2 SYMATTR Value LTC3529 SYMATTR Prefix X SYMATTR SpiceModel LTC3529.sub SYMATTR Value2 LTC3529 SYMATTR Description 1.5A, 1.5MHz Step-up DC/DC Converter in 2mm×3mm DFN\n\nNote: 1/4th of the real internal soft-start time is presented, on purpose of saving simulation time. PIN 144 -48 RIGHT 8 PINATTR PinName Vout PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN 64 -128 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName SW PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN -144 64 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName _SHDN PINATTR SpiceOrder 3 PIN 64 144 BOTTOM 8 PINATTR PinName PGND PINATTR SpiceOrder 4 PIN -144 -48 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName _Fault PINATTR SpiceOrder 5 PIN -64 144 BOTTOM 8 PINATTR PinName SNSGND PINATTR SpiceOrder 6 PIN 144 64 RIGHT 8 PINATTR PinName RST PINATTR SpiceOrder 7 PIN -64 -128 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName Vin PINATTR SpiceOrder 8