Version 4 SymbolType CELL RECTANGLE Normal -256 -192 240 192 TEXT 0 0 Center 2 LT WINDOW 0 0 -88 Center 2 WINDOW 3 0 56 Center 2 SYMATTR Value LTC3705 SYMATTR Prefix X SYMATTR SpiceModel LTC3705.sub SYMATTR Value2 LTC3705 SYMATTR Description Two-Switch Forward Controller and Gate Driver\n\nNote: Fault Transmit and Receive are not modeled as is not slave mode. PIN 0 192 BOTTOM 8 PINATTR PinName GND PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN 192 -192 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName IS PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN -144 192 BOTTOM 8 PINATTR PinName VSLMT PINATTR SpiceOrder 3 PIN -256 -112 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName UVLO PINATTR SpiceOrder 4 PIN -256 112 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName SSFLT PINATTR SpiceOrder 5 PIN -208 -192 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName Ndrv PINATTR SpiceOrder 6 PIN 240 -80 RIGHT 8 PINATTR PinName FB/IN+ PINATTR SpiceOrder 7 PIN 240 80 RIGHT 8 PINATTR PinName FS/IN- PINATTR SpiceOrder 8 PIN 144 192 BOTTOM 8 PINATTR PinName PGND PINATTR SpiceOrder 9 PIN 112 -192 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName BG PINATTR SpiceOrder 10 PIN -256 0 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName Vcc PINATTR SpiceOrder 11 PIN -128 -192 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName Boost PINATTR SpiceOrder 14 PIN -48 -192 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName TG PINATTR SpiceOrder 15 PIN 32 -192 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName TS PINATTR SpiceOrder 16