Version 4 SymbolType CELL LINE Normal 16 64 44 76 LINE Normal 44 76 36 84 LINE Normal 16 64 36 84 LINE Normal 40 80 64 96 LINE Normal 16 80 16 16 LINE Normal 16 32 64 0 LINE Normal 16 48 0 48 LINE Normal 40 16 48 28 LINE Normal 64 48 56 40 LINE Normal 40 32 56 20 LINE Normal 48 44 64 32 LINE Normal 40 32 56 40 LINE Normal 56 20 56 40 WINDOW 0 72 32 Left 2 WINDOW 3 72 68 Left 2 SYMATTR Value PNP SYMATTR Prefix QP SYMATTR Description Bipolar PNP transistor with substrate node. You would normally use this with your own .model statement. PIN 64 0 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName C PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN 0 48 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName B PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN 64 96 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName E PINATTR SpiceOrder 3 PIN 64 48 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName S PINATTR SpiceOrder 4