Version 4 SymbolType CELL LINE Normal 0 44 32 44 LINE Normal 0 20 32 20 LINE Normal 16 20 32 44 LINE Normal 16 20 0 44 LINE Normal 16 0 16 20 LINE Normal 16 44 16 64 LINE Normal -32 32 -4 32 LINE Normal -4 32 -12 24 LINE Normal -4 32 -12 40 WINDOW 0 24 0 Left 2 WINDOW 3 24 72 Left 2 SYMATTR Value LT1328PD SYMATTR Prefix X SYMATTR SpiceModel LTC.lib SYMATTR Value2 LT1328PD SYMATTR Description A photodiode similar to a SFH-205 for testing the LT1328, drive the light input with a current source PIN 16 64 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName A PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN 16 0 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName C PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN -32 32 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName L PINATTR SpiceOrder 3