Version 4 SymbolType CELL LINE Normal 0 -32 112 -32 LINE Normal 0 -32 0 96 LINE Normal 0 96 112 96 LINE Normal 112 96 144 64 LINE Normal 144 0 112 -32 LINE Normal 144 64 144 0 WINDOW 0 16 -48 Left 2 WINDOW 3 16 120 Left 2 SYMATTR Prefix A SYMATTR SpiceModel MODULATOR SYMATTR Description Behavioral VCO and Modulator. Output is a sine wave modulated by AM and FM input voltages. This version supplies an output in quadrature. PIN 0 0 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName FM PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN 0 64 LEFT 8 PINATTR PinName AM PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN 144 64 RIGHT 8 PINATTR PinName COS PINATTR SpiceOrder 6 PIN 144 0 RIGHT 10 PINATTR PinName SIN PINATTR SpiceOrder 7 PIN 0 96 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName com PINATTR SpiceOrder 8