PROJ = top DEVICE = hx8k PACKAGE = ct256 # Synthesis outputs go here. Testbench outputs go with their testbenches BUILD_DIR = build PIN_DEF = constraints/pins.pcf # NOTE: this should work fine with .sv files too # Synthesis files SOURCE_V = $(wildcard rtl/*.v) # Testbench files TB_V = $(wildcard tb/**/tb_*.v) # Testbench resources shared by all testbenches TB_COMMON_V = $(wildcard tb/common/*.v) TB_VCD = $(patsubst,%.vcd,$(TB_V:.v=.vcd)) all: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJ).rpt $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJ).bin $(BUILD_DIR)/%.blif: rtl/%.v mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) yosys -p 'synth_ice40 -top top -blif $@' $(SOURCE_V) # yosys -p 'synth_ice40 -top top -blif $@' $< %.asc: $(PIN_DEF) %.blif arachne-pnr -d $(subst hx,,$(subst lp,,$(DEVICE))) -P $(PACKAGE) -o $@ -p $^ %.bin: %.asc icepack $< $@ %.rpt: %.asc icetime -d $(DEVICE) -mtr $@ $< # Simulation files %.out: %.v $(SOURCE_V) $(TB_COMMON_V) iverilog $^ -o $@ %.vcd: %.out cd $(dir $@) && $(abspath $^) prog: $(PROJ).bin iceprog $< sudo-prog: $(PROJ).bin @echo 'Executing prog as root!!!' sudo iceprog $< tb: $(TB_VCD) clean: rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) $(TB_VCD) $(TB_VCD:.vcd=.out) .SECONDARY: .PHONY: all prog clean tb