import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; // communication import java.lang.*; import*; import*; /** * */ class ConnectionPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { /** list to hold subscribed actionlisteners */ private ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList(); /** TCP connection options */ private JPanel tcpOptions; /** label for address field */ private JLabel hostAddrLabel; /** host address field */ private JTextField hostAddr; /** label for port field */ private JLabel hostPortLabel; /** port field */ private JTextField hostPort; /** connect button */ private JButton connectButton; /** holds outgoing message info */ private MessageContent contentOut; /** holds incomming message info */ private MessageContent contentIn; /** timer to cause repeating sends */ private Timer tcpTimer; /** tcp connection socket */ private Socket tcpSocket; /** scanner for incomming tcp messages */ public BufferedReader in; /** printwriter for outgoing tcp messages */ public PrintWriter out; /** * no-args constructor */ public ConnectionPanel() { setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); tcpOptions = new JPanel(); tcpOptions.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); hostAddrLabel = new JLabel( "Host Address: " ); hostAddr = new JTextField( "" ); hostAddr.setColumns( 10 ); hostPortLabel = new JLabel( "Port: " ); hostPort = new JTextField( "51717" ); hostPort.setColumns( 6 ); tcpOptions.add( hostAddrLabel ); tcpOptions.add( hostAddr ); tcpOptions.add( hostPortLabel ); tcpOptions.add( hostPort ); add( tcpOptions ); connectButton = new JButton( "Connect" ); connectButton.addActionListener( this ); add( connectButton ); } /** * @param outgoing - MessageContent object containing options for */ public ConnectionPanel( MessageContent outgoing, MessageContent incomming ) { this(); contentOut = outgoing; contentIn = incomming; } /** * connect to tcp socket bound to port at host addres addr * @param addr - host address * @param port - port of socket at host */ public void connectTcp( String addr, int port ) { try { tcpSocket = new Socket( addr, port ); in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( tcpSocket.getInputStream() ) ); out = new PrintWriter( tcpSocket.getOutputStream(), true ); //autoflushing tcpTimer = new Timer( 100, this ); // .1 seconds out.println( "PROTOCOL_2" ); // identify protocol to be used with tcp tcpTimer.start(); setGui( true ); fireActionPerformed( new ActionEvent( this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "CONNECT" ) ); } catch( Exception ex ) { System.out.println( "Error Connecting to TCP server: " + ex ); } } /** * disconnects from tcp server * @param reconnect - tells server whether to listen for new connections. If false, server will shut down */ public void disconnectTcp( boolean reconnect ) { out.print( "DISCONNECT" ); if( reconnect ) out.print( "_R" ); out.println(); try { in.close(); out.close(); tcpSocket.close(); setGui( false ); fireActionPerformed( new ActionEvent( this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "DISCONNECT" ) ); } catch( IOException ex ) { System.out.println( ex ); } } /** * */ private void sendTCP() { out.print( "H " ); // Heartbeat / begin message indicator if( contentOut.getMotorsEnabled() ) out.print( "E " ); // enable motors if( contentOut.motorTesting ) { for( int i = 0; i < contentOut.motorValues.length; i++ ) out.print( "M" + i + "_" + contentOut.motorValues[i] + " " ); } if( contentOut.controls ) { for( int i = 0; i < contentOut.controlValues.length; i++ ) out.print( "C" + i + "_" + contentOut.controlValues[i] + " " ); } out.println(); } /** * */ private void readTCP() { try { if( in.ready() ) { String messageIn = in.readLine(); Scanner temp = new Scanner( messageIn ); while( temp.hasNext() ) { String next =; if( next.indexOf( "H" ) == 0 ) System.out.print( "\nH" ); System.out.print( next ); if( next.indexOf( "M" ) > 0 ) { Scanner motorScan = new Scanner( next ); } } } contentIn.orientation = true; contentIn.fireActionPerformed( new ActionEvent(contentIn, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "" ) ); } catch( IOException ex ) {} } /** * @param enabled - true to */ private void setGui( Boolean connected ) { if( connected ) connectButton.setText( "disconnect" ); else connectButton.setText( "connect" ); hostAddr.setEnabled( !connected ); hostPort.setEnabled( !connected ); } /** * sets everything in the panel enabled/disabled * @param state - desired enable status (true = enabled, false = disabled) */ public void setEnabled( boolean state ) { hostAddr.setEnabled( state ); hostPort.setEnabled( state ); connectButton.setEnabled( state ); } /////////////////////////////////////// /** * sends message over tcp */ public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt ) { if( evt.getSource() == connectButton ) { if( evt.getActionCommand().equals( "disconnect" ) ) { disconnectTcp( false ); } else { connectTcp( hostAddr.getText(), Integer.parseInt( hostPort.getText() ) ); } } else { sendTCP(); readTCP(); } } //////////////////////////////////////// /** * adds actionlistener to subscribd listener list * @param al - actionlistener to add */ public void addActionListener( ActionListener al ) { listeners.add( al ); } /** * removes actionlistener from subscribed listener list * @param al - actionlistener to remove */ public void removeActionListener( ActionListener al ) { listeners.remove( al ); } /** * sends an actionevent to subscribed listeners * @param ae - actionevent to use as parameter to all subscribed listeners */ public void fireActionPerformed( ActionEvent ae ) { for( ActionListener al : listeners ) { al.actionPerformed( ae ); } } /** * */ public void fireActionPerformed() { fireActionPerformed( new ActionEvent( this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "" ) ); } }