// graphics import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.border.*; // communication import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; /** * Replaces GroundStation.java * Written by Brendan Haines */ class GroundStation implements ActionListener, Runnable { ////////////////// ///// FIELDS ///// ////////////////// /** string to hold the connection type */ private String connectionType = ""; /** boolean to hold connected/disconnected status */ private boolean connectionStatus = false; /** TCP/IP socket for communication */ private Socket tcpSocket; /** input buffer handling for tcpSocket */ private BufferedReader tcpIn; /** output handler for tcpSocket */ private PrintWriter tcpOut; /** thread to listen to tcpSocket */ private Thread tcpListener; // Main GUI components /** window to hold GUI */ private JFrame mainFrame; /** panel to fill mainFrame */ private JPanel mainPanel; /** panel to hold connection options */ private JPanel connectionPanel; /** connection options panel */ private JPanel connectionOptionsPanel; /** connection type selection box */ private JComboBox connectionTypeComboBox; /** card layout container for different connection types */ private JPanel connectionTypePanel; /** JPanel to hold TCP/IP settings */ private JPanel tcpPanel; /** label for host address field */ private JLabel tcpHostAddressFieldLabel; /** text field for host address */ private JTextField tcpHostAddressField; /** label for port field */ private JLabel tcpHostPortFieldLabel; /** text field for port of socket */ private JTextField tcpHostPortField; /** connect/disconnect button */ private JButton connectButton; /** tabbed pane to hold many features */ private JTabbedPane tabbedPane; /** command line interface tab */ private JPanel cliPanel; /** panel to hold display options */ private JPanel cliOptionsPanel; /** checkbox to display confirmation/replies from pi */ private JCheckBox cliShowReceivedCheckBox; /** scrolling pane to hold command area */ private JScrollPane cliCommandScrollPane; /** text area to display commands */ private JTextArea cliCommandArea; /** panel to hold input stuff */ private JPanel cliInputPanel; /** text field to enter commands */ private JTextField cliInputField; /** send command button */ private JButton cliInputButton; /** control panel */ private JPanel controlPanel; /** arm/disarm flight controller button */ private JButton armDisarmButton; /** calibrate IMU button */ private JButton calibrateImuButton; /** motor testing tab */ private JPanel motorTestPanel; /** placeholder */ private JLabel motorTestPlaceholder; //////////////////////// ///// CONSTRUCTORS ///// //////////////////////// public GroundStation() { setupWindow(); } /////////////////// ///// METHODS ///// /////////////////// /** * sets up GUI */ private void setupWindow() { mainFrame = new JFrame( "PiCopter Ground Station" ); mainFrame.setResizable( true ); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE ); mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); setupConnectionPanel(); setupTabbedPane(); mainPanel.add( connectionPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH ); mainPanel.add( tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER ); mainFrame.add( mainPanel ); mainFrame.pack(); mainFrame.setVisible( true ); } /** * sets up the connection panel */ private void setupConnectionPanel() { connectionPanel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() ); connectionPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "connection options" ) ); connectionOptionsPanel = new JPanel( new FlowLayout() ); connectionTypeComboBox = new JComboBox(); connectionTypeComboBox.addItem( "TCP/IP" ); connectionTypeComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 ); connectionOptionsPanel.add( connectionTypeComboBox ); connectionTypePanel = new JPanel( new CardLayout() ); tcpPanel = new JPanel( new FlowLayout() ); tcpHostAddressFieldLabel = new JLabel( "Host Address:" ); tcpHostAddressField = new JTextField(); tcpHostAddressField.setColumns( 10 ); tcpHostAddressField.setText( "" ); tcpHostPortFieldLabel = new JLabel( "Port:" ); tcpHostPortField = new JTextField(); tcpHostPortField.setColumns( 6 ); tcpHostPortField.setText( "51717" ); tcpPanel.add( tcpHostAddressFieldLabel ); tcpPanel.add( tcpHostAddressField ); tcpPanel.add( tcpHostPortFieldLabel ); tcpPanel.add( tcpHostPortField ); connectionTypePanel.add( tcpPanel, "TCP/IP" ); connectionOptionsPanel.add( connectionTypePanel ); connectionPanel.add( connectionOptionsPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH ); connectButton = new JButton( "connect" ); connectButton.addActionListener( this ); connectionPanel.add( connectButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); } /** * sets up tabs */ private void setupTabbedPane() { tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); setupCliTab(); setupControlTab(); setupMotorTestTab(); tabbedPane.add( cliPanel, "CLI", 0 ); tabbedPane.add( controlPanel, "Control", 1 ); tabbedPane.add( motorTestPanel, "Motor Testing", 2 ); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt( 1, false ); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt( 2, false ); } /** * sets up command line interface tab */ private void setupCliTab() { cliPanel = new JPanel(); cliPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); cliOptionsPanel = new JPanel(); cliOptionsPanel.setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT ) ); cliShowReceivedCheckBox = new JCheckBox( "show receive" ); cliShowReceivedCheckBox.setSelected( true ); cliShowReceivedCheckBox.addActionListener( this ); cliOptionsPanel.add( cliShowReceivedCheckBox ); cliCommandArea = new JTextArea(); cliCommandArea.setEditable( false ); cliCommandScrollPane = new JScrollPane( cliCommandArea ); cliCommandScrollPane.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 400, 200 ) ); new SmartScroller( cliCommandScrollPane ); cliInputPanel = new JPanel(); cliInputPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); cliInputField = new JTextField(); cliInputField.addActionListener( this ); cliInputButton = new JButton( "send" ); cliInputButton.addActionListener( this ); cliInputPanel.add( cliInputField, BorderLayout.CENTER ); cliInputPanel.add( cliInputButton, BorderLayout.EAST ); cliPanel.add( cliOptionsPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH ); cliPanel.add( cliCommandScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER ); cliPanel.add( cliInputPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); } /** * sets up control panel tab */ private void setupControlTab() { controlPanel = new JPanel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT ) ); armDisarmButton = new JButton( "arm" ); armDisarmButton.addActionListener( this ); calibrateImuButton = new JButton( "calibrate IMU" ); calibrateImuButton.addActionListener( this ); controlPanel.add( armDisarmButton); controlPanel.add( calibrateImuButton); } /** * sets up motor testing tab */ private void setupMotorTestTab() { motorTestPanel = new JPanel(); motorTestPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); motorTestPlaceholder = new JLabel( "Motor Test Tab Placeholder" ); motorTestPanel.add( motorTestPlaceholder, BorderLayout.NORTH ); } /** * enables/disables all components in a container * @param container - the container to enable/disable components of * @param enable - boolean value for .setEnabled() */ private void enableComponents( Container container, boolean enable ) { Component[] components = container.getComponents(); for( Component component : components ) { component.setEnabled( enable ); if (component instanceof Container) { enableComponents( (Container) component, enable ); } } } /** * actionPerformed method to handle ActionEvents from all buttons and GUI interaction */ public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt ) { // command line interface if( evt.getSource() == cliInputButton || evt.getSource() == cliInputField ) { String inputText = cliInputField.getText(); cliInputField.setText( "" ); if( inputText.equals( "" ) ) return; // if cliInput field is empty, do nothing cliCommandArea.append( inputText + "\n" ); if( inputText.indexOf( "CONNECT" ) == 0 ) { cliCommandArea.append( "--ERROR - connection with command line interface not supported\n"); } else if( inputText.indexOf( "DISCONNECT") == 0 ) { disconnect(); } else if( inputText.indexOf( "SEND " ) == 0 ) { String sendText = inputText.substring( 5, inputText.length() ); cliCommandArea.append( "--SENDING: " + sendText + "\n" ); tcpOut.println( sendText ); } else if( inputText.indexOf( "CLEAR" ) == 0 ) { cliCommandArea.setText( "" ); } else { } } // connect button else if( evt.getSource() == connectButton && evt.getActionCommand().equals( "connect" ) ) { if( connectionTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals( "TCP/IP" ) ) { connectionType = "TCP/IP"; if( tcpHostAddressField.getText().equals( "" ) || tcpHostPortField.getText().equals( "" ) ) { System.out.println( "must enter an address & port for TCP/IP" ); } else if( connectTCP( tcpHostAddressField.getText(), Integer.parseInt( tcpHostPortField.getText() ) ) ) { startTcpListener(); } else { System.out.println( "failed to connect to TCP/IP server" ); } } else { System.out.println( "idk how you did that, but this protocol isn't supported...connectionTypeComboBox conains \"" + connectionTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem() + "\"" ); } } // disconnect button else if( evt.getSource() == connectButton && evt.getActionCommand().equals( "disconnect" ) ) { disconnect(); } // arm button else if( evt.getSource().equals( armDisarmButton ) && evt.getActionCommand().equals( "arm" ) ){ cliCommandArea.append( "--ARMING..." ); tcpOut.println( "ARM_CONTROLLER" ); armDisarmButton.setText( "disarm" ); cliCommandArea.append( "DONE\n" ); } // disarm button else if( evt.getSource().equals( armDisarmButton ) && evt.getActionCommand().equals( "disarm" ) ) { cliCommandArea.append( "--DISARMING..." ); tcpOut.println( "DISARM_CONTROLLER" ); armDisarmButton.setText( "arm" ); cliCommandArea.append( "DONE\n" ); } } /** * connects over TCP/IP protocol * @param hostAddress - the ip address of the server host * @param hostPort - the port of the socket at the host * @return true on success, false on failure */ private boolean connectTCP( String hostAddress, int hostPort ) { cliCommandArea.append( "--CONNECTING WITH TCP..." ); try { tcpSocket = new Socket( hostAddress, hostPort ); tcpIn = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( tcpSocket.getInputStream() ) ); tcpOut = new PrintWriter( tcpSocket.getOutputStream(), true ); startTcpListener(); } catch( UnknownHostException ex ) { cliCommandArea.append( "UnknownHostException\n" ); return false; } catch( IOException ex ) { cliCommandArea.append( "IOException\n" ); return false; } setGuiConnected(); connectionStatus = true; cliCommandArea.append( "DONE\n" ); return true; } /** * */ private void startTcpListener() { tcpListener = new Thread( this, "tcpListenerThread" ); tcpListener.start(); } /** * the method used by the TCP listening thread */ public void run() { while( connectionStatus ) { try { if( tcpIn.ready() ) { cliRxAppend( "--READING: " + tcpIn.readLine() + "\n" ); } } catch( Exception ex ) {} } } /** * will add the message to cli view if show receive checkbox is checked */ public void cliRxAppend( String message ) { if( cliShowReceivedCheckBox.isSelected() ) { cliCommandArea.append( message ); } } /** * */ private void setGuiConnected() { connectButton.setText( "disconnect" ); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt( 1, true ); // control panel tabbedPane.setEnabledAt( 2, true ); // motor testing panel enableComponents( connectionOptionsPanel, false ); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE ); } /** * */ private void setGuiDisconnected() { connectButton.setText( "connect" ); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex( 0 ); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt( 1, false ); // control panel tabbedPane.setEnabledAt( 2, false ); // motor testing panel enableComponents( connectionOptionsPanel, true ); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE ); } /** * disconnects from whatever connection has been set up with Raspberry Pi */ private void disconnect() { cliCommandArea.append( "--DISCONNECTING..."); tcpOut.println( "DISCONNECT" ); try { tcpIn.close(); tcpOut.close(); } catch( IOException ex ) { cliCommandArea.append( "IOException\n" ); return; } setGuiDisconnected(); connectionStatus = false; cliCommandArea.append( "DONE\n" ); } /** * main begins the ground station */ public static void main( String[] args ) { GroundStation groundStation = new GroundStation(); } }