import javax.swing.*; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PLEASE NOTE: FOR THIS GAME TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY, YOU MUST PLAY THIS VIDEO IN THE BACKGROUND: // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// final int BACKGROUND_COLOR = 10; final int WALL_COLOR = 0xCCCCCC; final int PACMAN_SPEED = 2; final int GHOST_SPEED = 1; JFrame options = new JFrame( "Options" ); JCheckBox redGhost = new JCheckBox( "Red Ghost" ); JCheckBox blueGhost = new JCheckBox( "Blue Ghost" ); JCheckBox greenGhost = new JCheckBox( "Green Ghost" ); JCheckBox pinkGhost = new JCheckBox( "Pink Ghost" ); int redX = 10; int redY = 10; int blueX = 10; int blueY = 30; int greenX = 10; int greenY = 50; int pinkX = 10; int pinkY = 70; boolean running = false; boolean paused = false; int xPos; int yPos; int xVel = PACMAN_SPEED; int yVel = 0; float startT, stopT; void setup() { size( 640, 480 ); background( BACKGROUND_COLOR ); fill( 200 ); noStroke(); rect( 210, 192, 210, 96); textSize( 32 ); fill( 255, 0, 0 ); text( "START", 260, 250 ); options.setBounds( 700, 50, 10, 10 ); options.getContentPane().setLayout( new BoxLayout( options.getContentPane(), BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) ); options.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE ); redGhost.setSelected( true ); options.add( redGhost ); options.add( blueGhost ); options.add( greenGhost ); options.add( pinkGhost ); options.pack(); options.setVisible( true ); } void mouseClicked() { if( !running ) { startNew(); } } void keyPressed() { if( !running && key != ' ' ) return; if( !running && key == ' ' ) { startNew(); return; } if( key == ' ' || key == 'p' || key == 'P' ) { if( paused ) { paused = false; } else { paused = true; textSize( 96 ); fill( 255, 0, 0 ); text( "PAUSED", 140, 150 ); } return; } else if( keyCode == UP ) { xVel = 0; yVel = -PACMAN_SPEED; return; } else if( keyCode == DOWN ) { xVel = 0; yVel = PACMAN_SPEED; return; } else if( keyCode == RIGHT ) { xVel = PACMAN_SPEED; yVel = 0; return; } else if( keyCode == LEFT ) { xVel = -PACMAN_SPEED; yVel = 0; return; } } void startNew() { running = true; paused = false; background( BACKGROUND_COLOR ); xPos = 320; yPos = 240; xVel = PACMAN_SPEED; yVel = 0; } void endGame() { fill( 200 ); noStroke(); rect( 210, 192, 210, 96); textSize( 32 ); fill( 255, 0, 0 ); text( "YOU DIED", 230, 250 ); textSize( 16 ); text( "START OVER?", 259, 277 ); running = false; } boolean checkAlive() { if( xPos-10 < 0 || yPos-10 < 0 || xPos+10 > width || yPos+10 > height ) { return false; } return true; } void draw() { if( running && !paused ) { background( BACKGROUND_COLOR ); // DRAW MAP // to be implemented later fill( (WALL_COLOR >> 16) & 0xFF, (WALL_COLOR >> 8) & 0xFF, WALL_COLOR & 0xFF ); rect( 370, 10, 10, 460 ); // CHECK IF PACMAN CAN MOVE if( (get( xPos + xVel, yPos + yVel ) & 0xFFFFFF) != WALL_COLOR ) { xPos += xVel; yPos += yVel; } // DRAW PACMAN fill( 255, 255, 51 ); if( xVel == 0 && yVel < 0 ) { startT = 7*PI/4; stopT = 13*PI/4; } else if( xVel == 0 && yVel > 0 ) { startT = 3*PI/4; stopT = 9*PI/4; } else if( xVel < 0 ) { startT = 5*PI/4; stopT = 11*PI/4; } else { startT = PI/4; stopT = 7*PI/4; } arc( xPos, yPos, 20, 20, startT, stopT, PIE ); // DONE DRAWING PACMAN // DRAW GHOSTS // movement to be implemented later if( redGhost.isSelected() ) { fill( 255, 0, 0 ); drawGhost( redX, redY ); } if( blueGhost.isSelected() ) { fill( 0, 0, 255 ); drawGhost( blueX, blueY ); } if( greenGhost.isSelected() ) { fill( 0, 255, 0 ); drawGhost( greenX, greenY ); } if( pinkGhost.isSelected() ) { fill( 230, 76, 194 ); drawGhost( pinkX, pinkY ); } if( !checkAlive() ) endGame(); } } void drawGhost( int x, int y ) { translate( x, y ); beginShape(); vertex( 8, -6 ); vertex( 7, -8 ); vertex( 6, -9 ); vertex( 4, -10 ); vertex( -4, -10 ); vertex( -6, -9 ); vertex( -7, -8 ); vertex( -8, -6 ); vertex( -8, 2 ); vertex( -9, 4 ); vertex( -9, 6 ); vertex( -8, 8 ); vertex( -8, 6 ); vertex( -6, 8 ); vertex( -6, 6 ); vertex( -4, 8 ); vertex( -4, 6 ); vertex( -2, 8 ); vertex( -2, 6 ); vertex( 0, 8 ); vertex( 2, 6 ); vertex( 2, 8 ); vertex( 4, 6 ); vertex( 4, 8 ); vertex( 6, 6 ); vertex( 6, 8 ); vertex( 8, 6 ); vertex( 8, 8 ); vertex( 9, 6 ); vertex( 9, 4 ); vertex( 8, 2 ); vertex( 8, -6 ); endShape(); fill( BACKGROUND_COLOR ); ellipse( 3, -4, 2, 2 ); ellipse( -3, -4, -2, 2 ); translate( -x, -y ); }