import time import numpy as np import board import busio import digitalio from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1015 as ADS from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn import threading from import curdoc from bokeh.layouts import column, row from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Slider, TextInput, Button from bokeh.plotting import figure DEBUG = True mux_io = [None] * 4 mux_io[0] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D23) mux_io[1] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D22) mux_io[2] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D27) mux_io[3] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D17) for ii, io in enumerate(mux_io): io.switch_to_output() i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) adc = ADS.ADS1015(i2c) adc_mux = AnalogIn(adc, ADS.P0) white_cal = [0]*8 black_cal = [5]*8 adc_lock = threading.Lock() def get_reflectivity(chan): chan = int(chan) global mux_io global adc_mux global adc_lock mux = 1-np.array(list(f"{chan:04b}"), dtype=int) adc_lock.acquire() for ii, io in enumerate(mux_io): io.value = mux[ii] time.sleep(0.001) voltage = adc_mux.voltage adc_lock.release() return voltage def get_normalized_reflectivity(chan): global white_cal global black_cal return (get_reflectivity(chan) - black_cal[chan]) / (white_cal[chan] - black_cal[chan]) brightness_idx = np.arange(8) brightness = [get_normalized_reflectivity(c) for c in range(8)] time_data = np.empty((0,2)) brightness_plot_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(sensor=brightness_idx, brightness=brightness)) time_plot_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(t=time_data[:,0], e=time_data[:,1])) # Set up plots brightness_plot = figure(plot_height=150, plot_width=400, title="Reflectivity", x_range=[0, 7], y_range=[0, 1]) brightness_plot.line('sensor', 'brightness', source=brightness_plot_source, line_width=3)'sensor', 'brightness', source=brightness_plot_source, size=8, fill_color="white", line_width=2) time_plot = figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=800, title="Signals", y_range=[-3.5, 3.5]) time_plot.line('t', 'e', source=time_plot_source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) def update_plots(attrname=None, old=None, new=None): global brightness global time_data global brightness_plot_source = dict(sensor=brightness_idx, brightness=brightness) = dict(t=time_data[:,0], e=time_data[:,1]) def cal_white(attrname=None, old=None, new=None): global white_cal white_cal = [get_reflectivity(c) for c in range(8)] update_plots() def cal_black(attrname=None, old=None, new=None): global black_cal black_cal = [get_reflectivity(c) for c in range(8)] update_plots() cal_white_button = Button(label="Cal White") cal_white_button.on_click(cal_white) cal_black_button = Button(label="Cal Black") cal_black_button.on_click(cal_black) controls = column(cal_white_button, cal_black_button) curdoc().add_root(column(row(controls, brightness_plot, width=800), time_plot)) curdoc().title = "TriangleBot Control Panel" curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update_plots, 250) def control_thread(): global brightness global time_data sample_interval = 0.01 while True: # TODO: replace sleep statement with something that doesn't depend on execution time of loop time.sleep(sample_interval) if time_data.shape[0] == 0: this_time = 0 else: this_time = time_data[-1, 0] + sample_interval brightness = np.clip([get_normalized_reflectivity(c) for c in range(8)], 0, 1) line_position = np.sum((1 - brightness) * (np.arange(8) - 3.5))/np.sum(1-brightness) # TODO: implement control stuff and drive outputs new_time_data = [[this_time, line_position]] time_data = np.concatenate((time_data, new_time_data)) if DEBUG: for b in brightness: print(f"{b:1.2f}\t", end="") print(f"{line_position:+1.2f}", end="") print() control_thread = threading.Thread(target=control_thread) control_thread.start() # servos = ServoKit(channels=16).continuous_servo # servos[0].throttle = 0 # servos[1].throttle = 0 # servos[2].throttle = 0 # time.sleep(1) # servos[0].throttle = 20 # servos[1].throttle = 20 # servos[2].throttle = 20 # time.sleep(1) # servos[0].throttle = 0 # servos[1].throttle = 0 # servos[2].throttle = 0